Aquarius House is Ownes by
Saturn (Sani). Moon sign (Rashi)
Aquarius means
that Moon was present in
Aquarius Sign in birth time. If you do not know your moon
sign, Please
generate free Horoscope Prediction to know this. Please note that this
is not Western Sun sign based prediction.
Moon Astro Brings Free monthly report for
Aquarius Moon Sign.This prediction
is based on Indian Vedic Moon sign (Rashi) based astrology.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Health Prediction
In the beginning of July, 2020 you may happento possess a fresh mind. During the first week your health may go steady. Youmight affect your life due to your excessive anger. In the beginning of thesecond week, you may get concerned for the health of your wife. There is apossibility of you having physical injury on the 10th day. Secondweek onwards you may feel depressed both mentally and physically. At thebeginning of the fourth week, physical ailment may trouble you. You are advisedto take care of your health this time. You might get anxious at the end of thefourth week while delivering some news. You may get under mental dilemma thistime. At the end of July, 2020 your tension and stress may happen to getincreased gradually.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Business and Job Prediction
Some of the obstructed projects may getfinished by the beginning of July, 2020. You may face obstacles in the courseof your professional life at times. The end of the first week might happen tobe hopeful for the job-seekers. Day 11th may not happen to be anauspicious day to begin with new works. At the end of the second week you mightgo through some positive changes in your work life. The beginning of the thirdweek may offer you a mixed result. You may take new initiatives to improve yourjob life leading to a professional success later. At the end of the third week,your work pace may get slower. In the mid of the fourth week, you might facecomplexities in the course of your work life. You are suggested to give continuousefforts to your profession to get good results. Afterwards, your professionallife will happen to go steadily. Businessmen may get in contact with newpeople. One may crack a new job at this time as well. At the end of July, 2020traders might enjoy a lucrative time, and servicemen may attain promotion aswell.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Financial Prediction
You may have monetary attainments at timesduring the month of July, 2020. At the end of this week, you may face a highexpenditure causing in a monetary crisis. In the mid of the second week, youmight earn enough money, but you may not get back your money on time. Financialproblems may trouble you this time onwards. Afterwards, you may expect economicgains, but there are also chances on your part to undergo monetary losses dueto your own fault as well as well the conspiracies of your secret enemies. Thefourth week will happen to be a contrast of successful and obstructed economicgains. However, July, 2020 may end with a sound income of yours.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Educational Prediction
The beginning of July, 2020 might not be afavourable phase for the students in pursuing their educational life. Academiclife might run steadily for the rest of July, 2020.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Social Life Prediction
In the beginning of July, 2020 you may getdegraded in public. You might waste your valuable time this week. At the end ofthe first week, you might face familial discord. The range of your losses mightget obstructed this time. In the beginning of the second week you may get veryimaginative. Your relatives might grow an enmity against you. You may haveguests at your place in the mid of the second week. Your life may get morecomplicated this time, but afterwards the complications will happen to getreduced gradually. In the beginning of the third week, you may grow an intenseattachment towards your friends. You may feel worried for your close relativesas well. You might get some good news at the end of the third week. In the midof the fourth week, you may face family issues again. You might buy a newpossession at the end of July, 2020.
Aquarius Kumbha, july 2020: Love and Married Prediction
Lovers and married couples mightexperience a tumultuous time in the course of their relationship throughoutJuly, 2020 due to communication gap and differences of opinions. At the end ofJuly, 2020 lovers may go through a restless period.